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I'm excited to offer this mentoring service for studio production & engineering called 'your~Sound'. Designed as a custom training experience, I'll bring guidance and instruction to your productions, address your specific needs and especially with consideration for your gear and setup.
In-person available for Nashville area. Skype for everywhere else. Booking out of the area is possible with travel consideration.
Booking 'your~Sound' sessions now.

Interview with Lij Shaw and Recording Studio Rockstars
The lumious Alison Krauss has been busy recording a solo project with Producer Buddy Cannon. I've had the pleasure of working with them both on this recording.
Alison Krauss "Windy City"

Michael Krebs
Michael Krebs and his band recently got ahold of Neal for mixing services for their first studio album. They're big fans of the Gabe Dixon Band record and decided to heed the Goethe quote and reach out.

Bosworth & Dodd
Alex Bosworth & producer Brian Seeger made the trip up to Nashville to master with Richard Dodd.
Señor Dodd made it worth the trip.
Check out Alex at

Putting the finishing touches on Levi Ware's pop song, 'Hey Hey', produced and recorded by Neal. I love how we transformed this song from ukelele and four-part harmonies to a pop production. It will be the lead song on the MCP complilation coming out soon, with great tracks from many other artists including Donavan Frankenreiter, Ivan & Alyosha, Luc & the Lovingtons, and Tyrone Wells.
Discover more about the Melodic Caring Project and get involved at

Melodic Caring Project: 'Hey Hey' Making Way!